Our Lady of the Snows Parochial School

✆ 775.322.2773

✉ info@snowsnv.org


The most essential difference between Catholic schools and public schools is the religious education and spiritual experiences provided. Our school Charism, Mission Statement and School wide Learning Expectations strongly reflect our identity as a Catholic school. Each morning we begin our day with prayer at our morning assembly. While many of our students come from different faiths, we celebrate Mass together each Wednesday. The presence of sacred images are found in the classrooms and throughout our school.


Our entire student body attends Mass celebrations each week. Individual classes, are selected to prepare and proclaim scripture readings and prayer intentions for our weekly school Mass. Several students regularly serve as altar servers and musicians. Students actively provide for those in need through their offering collections, service and through prayer.


Each school day begins gathered as community; students, teachers, and parents. We gather for prayer at morning assembly. The prayers chosen for morning assembly reflects the liturgical season, model various forms of prayer and includes petitions from students, teachers, and parents. Morning assembly also includes mini-lessons from the lives of various saints and opportunities to recognize the ways in which we serve each other, through our snowflake awards.


Throughout the school year, our students prepare for and celebrate the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, as well as other important feast and saint days. During the Lenten season, Students prepares Stations of the Cross for the entire school community, and participate in a Triduun retreat on Holy Thursday.

We Celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Snows and reflect on her story during our Catholic Schools Week celebration each year.  We also honor our Blessed Mother with a special May Crowning mass every spring.