Our Lady of the Snows Parochial School

✆ 775.322.2773

✉ info@snowsnv.org

Library News – Storybook Pumpkins

A big thank you to all that made Storybook Pumpkins! Our Library Pumpkin Patch was filled with book character pumpkins! They all looked amazing – thank you! Here is a photo of the patch:

Today we read Creepy Carrots and Creepy Crayon in the library for storytime. The students made Creepy Carrots to fill Crackenhopper Field!
We all had a great time!

We are starting back up the Pizza Hut Book-It program in November. For all students that finish a book in November, they will receive a Free Pizza Hut Personal Pizza!

The library is always in need of small gift cards to use for incentives for reading prizes and raffles. If you are interested in sponsoring any prizes that would be very much appreciated!
I am also looking for a few parents to help with covering new books for the library with clear adhesive book covers. Please let me know if you are interested and need OLS volunteer hours- I will send you home with a few books at a time and covers. Thank you!

Megan Azzi mazzi@snowsnv.org